Youã¢â‚¬â„¢ve Got a Lot to Learn Before You Beat Me. Try Again Kid Hahahaaaa!!

Bacchus wrote:Perchance this was tackled in your other thread, but is the Triple Wavefolder really a adept use of that space? You lot already have wavefolding on the Hertz Donut. I'd lose that and replace it with a NoiseRing, so you have semi-random CVs and a noise source covered.

I don´t as well much into pure random but maybe into random spicing of more controlled/tuned I recollect that a footling and simple dissonance S/H is enough for me...cheers anyway for the advice!

nearly the triple waveforder I don´t know you got something near in the Hard disk itself :hmm:

anyhow I like it as well much to leave it go...also to process the other oscillators

this is ane of the few audio processors that fits my likes in the last years so I´ll be very happy with it

Navs wrote:That's a very nice system, Anselmi. I'd be very happy with the top row :)

cheers and I guess you´d exist...some of your demos was the reason I choose things like the triple wave binder...that "banjo" transients demo is astonishing...likewise near of your demos lucifer my tastes in sound and the way of music make so I really respect your oppinion

MrBiggs is bang on the money about sequencing and Tame, which I as well found half-baked and 'un-modular'. Given the way it works and the lack of CV inputs for parameters I would similar to have had command over, I felt I was better off with a hardware sequencer. That said, CV control over scales is bully!

as I said before I addicted much of my decissions in your feel so if so much experienced people said is better to become with the A-156 I think I´ll think most take the A-156 instead

Don't forget the forthcoming 4MS Shuffling Clock Multiplier. I found this to be more fun and jammable than the clocking section of the Tame


I don´t know about tehre any thread that I missed?

I love my Maths, but I would miss a standard LFO. The main reason beingness that cycling envelopes are positive voltage only, plus it tin sometimes be a fiddle to get equal sides i.e. a perfect triangle. I apply sine LFOs more that any other. You could first a cycling envelope to go bipolar, but it's really but much easier to have a dedicated module. Make certain it has reset and is CV-able. I tin recommend the A-147 and the MFB seems to exist well-liked too.

yep, that exactly what I mean almost some module taking the identify of I think that I could take the coin of the tame auto and buy the A-156 and an MFB dual LFO

Also, despite being a confirmed envelope junkie, 2 Maths and 2 Envelators might exist a chip much in 6U. How about one of each as a starter? Depending on the music you want to make, a standard ADSR might also be useful. Once again, this tin can exist patched with Maths, only I find information technology isn't the same and is certainly not as practical. It needn't even be VC-able, equally you would have the MN/ WM modules. I have an ADSR-VC2 & CTG-VC, only even the A-140 would be fine in a compact set-up.

I don´t know...I love fast EG´southward but lot of my piece of work are but Advert/ASR stuff and then my original cull of the ADSR-VC2 goes for the 2 envelators...I know the cwejman stuff is killer just I´m stretching too much with the cwejman audio path that I desire to get first

what´s about the MFB dual ADSR...did you lot try it? I like the hold stage, the selectable set on response and the compact size for 2´s cheap too

One last idea: how about some unproblematic utility modules like the 4HP A-183-one Dual Attenuator for when the VCA-4MX is in use and if you ditch one Maths? Or an A-138 mixer, less for audio simply for mixing and attenuating gates to grade a simple 4-note sequencer?

passive attenuators, inverters, multiples and other conecting stuff would be in a sepparate desktop unit with a "playable" prepare of switches/buttons that could be operated live...a guy here is able to made it for me with the stuff that will encompass my exact needs

If you want some random but don't want to stretch to a Wogglebug or Noise Band, I tin strongly recommend Analogue Solutions' SH-NZ: noise, Due south&H + basic slew in 6HP :guinness:

well, this was in my one of my initial schemes...I don´t know...the MFB LFO go noise in the second one and I don´t call back I`d be using the Southward/H for some other affair than noise

MrBiggs wrote:Hey anselmi

I have a feeling Navs' postal service may accept just blew your heed. Correct when you think y'all've got your order figured out and you're ready to bust, fucking NAVS comes forth and screws upwardly everything. Of course, I retrieve he's 100% right

hahahaha!!! yes!!! thsi is exactly my bodily feelings! everytime I upload a modular scheme I have fears of that kind of replies that, of course, 1 accept luck of receive!

You don't know you lot need an A183-two until you go a taste of offsetting that the Maths does, and you don't desire to always tie up your Maths with it...

I was deeper into reaktor edifice and I know how important is to set the right range and management of contriol signals

Every bit I said earlier attenuators will be in a sepparate box simply virtually polarizers didn´t the maths channels 2 and 3 did that?

offsets are another I was looking for that forthcomming intellijel modules that deals with all that stuff...I get-go to thinking that leave a module gap would exist a proficient thinng to considere just as I said before its not easy to me to go modules afterward from my country, so the more complete the organisation the amend information technology would be for me

new schemes to considere, calculation MFB dual EG instead of a second maths and a more "classic" LFO...the gap would be filled with the intellijel spock and uVolt to become some more than versatility
system A got the MFB dual LFO, and B got the forthcomming bubblesound 6HP LFO




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